

发布时间: 2024-05-17 10:20:40北京青年报社官方账号

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"For sure, if the quality of Chinese infant formula is good enough, I can simply go to a supermarket nearby for the milk powder instead of going through the trouble of buying from Sydney. I don't have to do accurate calculations any more when making an order from Australia," the technician Wang said, adding that it's a long-term process to rebuild trust for consumers like him.


"From a basic logistics network to standard product transfers, and then to develop into a company that provides personalized solutions, this should be SF's growth path, just like other global comprehensive logistics giants such as DHL, UPS and FedEx," Changjiang Securities said in a research report.


"For example, tourists usually choose nearby destinations for road trips, such as suburbs or outskirts of their city, during three-day holidays, such as Tomb Sweeping Day and May Day. But during seven-day holidays, such as Spring Festival and National Day, people like to travel farther," he said.


"Founders of some Japanese companies want to sell their business to Chinese investors as their offspring are not willing to manage and they want us to help them," Ren added, sharing an example.


"Hantile can also provide users with unique values in investment, society and culture," Li added. "The power generated by 100 square meters of Hantile in 30 years is equivalent to that of 123 metric tons of coal, and the environmental protection value created by 100 square meters of Hantile is equivalent to the planting of 340 trees."


